The management of t Association shall vest in a Executive Committee consisting of the following
Senior Vice President
Vice Presidents
Secretary General
Additional Secretaries
Secretary Finance
Secretary Press and Publication
Five Elected Members
The Executive Committee shall have the following Powers and Function.
Recommend and revise budget estimates and present the same to the General Body.
Nominate the General Seasonal President for the next session, (But the General Seasonal President for the Fourth Session will be elected by the General Body).Constitute Section of Divisions comprising the main branches of Psychology, particularly the ones included in the syllabi of Pakistani Universities, or the combinations of such branches as may be closely related to each other, and nominate Sectional Presidents and Secretaries for each. Paper reading will be generally done in the Sectional meetings. There shall be at least five of such sections.
Draw up panel of names for election of office-bearers shall be divided by the General Body, as provided in sub-clause (i) of clause 2 of section iv.
Fix the date and venue of the Annual Session and chalk out its program of activities
Nominate the Chief Guest (s), if any, for the Annual Session or for any other occasion.
Approach to Federal and Provincial Governments and other public bodies and individuals for grants, donations and other forms of assistance.
Approach the Government of Pakistan for inviting foreign guests if any, and prepare a panel of such names.
Establish fraternal relations between different Associations and bodies of Psychologists and others all over the world.
Publish proceedings of the annual session, Association’s Journal, etc., appoint Editorial Staff for the same and make other arrangements in that connection.
Frame rules and by-laws in conformity with the constitutional provisions, for the efficient functioning of the Association, and submit the same to the General Body for approval.
Undertake and intensify Membership drive, publicize Association’s activities, and take such other steps, as it may consider necessary to promote the Aims and Objects of the Association.
Appoint sub-committees and nominate individuals for carrying out its work.
Sanction such expenditures within the approved budget as lie outside the powers of the individual office-bearers.
Recommend to the General Body affiliation of Provincial Associations of Psychologists to the National Body, namely, “The Sindh Psychological Association.”
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year.
The quorum for all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be Six or on expansion of Members as decided by the President.
The Executive Committee may also appoint a sub-committee of its own to assist the President in taking decisions on its behalf, which may be ratified by the Executive Committee later.
The tenure of the Executive Committee shall be Two Years, or until fresh elections are held.
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