The General Body shall be the supreme body of the Association. Only the Full Members of the Association as defined in Clause III-I above shall constitute the “General Body” and shall have voting rights in the Association. Others may be invited to its meetings as observers or guest speakers or asked to express their opinion and views on certain matters or read papers and made comments on them, but shall having no voting rights. No person other than the Members (i.e., Full Member) can by right attend the meetings of the General Body of the Association, and he/she shall have to leave such meetings if asked to do so.
The General Body shall have the following powers and functions:
Elect by secret ballot, preferably but not necessary, from among the panel of names, nominated by the Executive Committee, the following office-bearers, who shall all be honorary and non-remunerative.
Elect Members of the Executive Committee, representing as far as possible different institutions and regions of SIndh, Pakistan.
Pass budget estimates, duly approved by the Executive Committee.
Pass rules and by-laws according to the prescribed procedure.
Constitute sub-committees for specific purposes
Amend the constitution in accordance with the prescribed procedure.
Consider all such matters as may be referred to it by the Executive Committee or any of the sub-committee or any of the sub-committees, or raised by any Member of the General Body with the permission of the chair, provided that such matters fall within its purview.
The quorum for all such meetings of the General Body in which elections under sub-clauses (i) & (ii) of clause 2 above are held shall be at least one third of the total enrollment as Members, or else elections shall be held through registered post. The amendment may be made by two-third of the Members person.
On matters relating to sub-clause (iii) & (iv) of clause 2 above, the quorum shall be one third of the total Membership.
The General Body shall meet at least once in a year, preferably on the occasion of its annual session. There shall be no bar, however, to its meeting on occasions other than the annual session.
An emergency meeting of the General body however by convened on the instructions of the President, or on a written requisition signed by at least thirty Members to consider specific issue of an urgent nature, which should be clearly stated in the agenda. The notice for such meetings shall be dispatched to all the Members by registered post at least ten days before the date of the meeting. The quorum for such meeting shall be fifty.
Notices of meetings of the General Body will be issued by the Secretary General or in his absence by anyone authorized by the President for this purpose.
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