Short Title, Jurisdiction, Scope and Definition of Terms
The constitution shall be known as the “Constitution Of The Sindh Psychological Association.”
It shall extend to the whole of Pakistan and shall be subservient to the law of the land.
It provides the directive principles and the statutory frame work under which the Association shall perform its various functions including the election of office bearers, formation of different bodies, committees and sub-committees, passing of budgets, framing of comes this for psychologists working in different professions, and other rules and by laws to ensure the difficult working of the Association toward the fulfillment of its Aims and Objects.
It shall come into effect from the fifth day of April 1997.
The Association shall act as a National Organization of the Psychologists of SIndh. But just as it may have members from her countries, it may be affiliated to, subject to the law of the land; recognized International Bodies of Psychologists if such an affiliation helps promote its Aims and Objects.
In this constitution, the following terms shall mean what has been stated against each:
“Association” shall mean The Sindh Psychological Association.
Abbreviations “SPA” shall also meant The Sindh Psychological Association.
“General Body” shall refer to the collective body of Members of the Association.
“Member” shall mean Life/Full Member of the Association, irrespective of the fact whether such a Member has paid his/her Membership fee on an Annual or Whole Life Basis.
“Honorary Life Member”, “Associate Member”, and “Student Member” shall each belong to separate categories of Membership, as defined later, and shall be distinct from “Member”, i.e., Life/Full Member, as mentioned in the foregoing sub-clause.
“Office-Bearers” or “Office Bearer” shall mean the Office Bearer(s) of The Sindh Psychological Association such as: President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Secretary General, Additional Secretaries, Secretary Press and Publications, Secretary Finance and Executive Members.
Similarly, bodies like “General Body”, “Executive Committee” or any other Committee or Sub-Committee shall refer to the so named bodies of The Sindh Psychological Association, unless specifically mentioned otherwise.
Whenever necessary, the Masculine Gender will be used irrespective of the Sex of the person concerned.
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