Sindh Psychological Association (SPA) is the only Academic and Professional Organization of Sindh Psychologists. It was established in March 1985 at Karachi, by a Convention specially called for this purpose. SPA has a membership of about several hundred qualified Sindh Psychologists working in various fields of life including College and University Teaching, Clinical Practice, Counselling, Provincial and Federal Public Service Commission’s Organizations, NGO’s, Health Departments and in the Armed Forces.
Sindh Psychological Association is run by the Psychologists working in various fields. About 15 members serve on Executive Committee as Elected / Nominated representatives. All Full, Associated, Life and the Student Members Constitute the General Body of the Association
The Association performs its functions including Election of Office Bearers, Formation of Different Bodies, Committees and Sub-Committees, Passing of Budgets, Framing of Codes of Ethics for Psychologist working in various fields and other Rules and By-Laws to insure the efficient working of the Association towards the fulfillment of its Aims and Objectives.