Whereas, Psychology as Disciplines of knowledge occupies an important place in the cultural heritage of Sindh, Pakistan.
Whereas, the need of the hour is that Psychologists play a more positive role in strengthening the ideological frontiers of Pakistan, both in thought and actions.
Whereas, Psychology as a subject of study is becoming increasingly popular in the universities and colleges of Pakistan.
Whereas, Internationally, Psychology has achieved a respectable status both as a Fundamental and Applied Science, and is being put to the service of man in different walks of life.
Whereas, the need for the successful application of Psychological knowledge to the solution of Pakistan’s manifold problems is being increasingly left.
Whereas, Psychologists of Sindh, Pakistan are faced with academic and professional problems, to be dealt with collectively, at National and International levels;
It is here by resolved to give the Sindh Psychological Association the Present Constitution in place of the Old Provisional one.
As passed by the General Body of the Association on the occasion of its third session held in Karachi on the Seventh day of May 1987 and subsequent approval of amendments by General Body on the occasion of its 7th session held in karachi on the Fifth day of April 1997 at University of Karachi.
Recommended by General Body of the Association in second session held in Karachi in April, 1999 respecting.
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